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Caitlin Press

Caitlin Press publishes writers who reflect the concerns, culture and history of that part of Canada called the “middle north” which lies between the southern, heavily-populated areas and the far north. In addition Caitlin Press seeks work by and about BC women.


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McKellar & Martin Publishing Group Limited

We publish amazing authors whose books are evocative, intelligent, honest, memorable, multicultural, beautiful, and fun. Heck. We just try to publish really good books. You can find us in New Westminster, BC.

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Books in Print: 9

Children’s (board books through YA, including fiction and non-fiction)

Contact: Meghan Hague / Tonya Martin

t. 778.833.1499 / 604.240.7606
1114 Dublin Street
New Westminster, BC V3M 2Y9

Note from the Publisher

We periodically hold open calls for submissions. Please refer to our website for additional information.

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