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Book Launch: American Hunks

September 25th, 2009

Join David L. Chapman and Brett Josef Grubisic for a slideshow presentation and talk on the American male physique from 1860 to 1970. American Hunks is a fascinating collection of images (many in full color) depicting the muscular American male as documented in popular culture from 1860 to 1970. The book, divided into specific historic eras, includes such personalities as bodybuilder Charles Atlas, pioneer weightlifter Eugen Sandow, and movie stars like Steve “Hercules” Reeves and Johnny “Tarzan” Weismuller. It touches on the use of masculine, homoerotic imagery to sell political and military might, and how companies have used buff, near-naked men to sell products from laundry detergent to sacks of flour since the 1920s.

American Hunks Book Launch (Slideshow with author)!
Date: 10/04/2009 at 7:00pm
Location: Little Sister’s
1238 Davie Street
Vancouver, BC