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New Star: Life Goes On, Firebombing Benefit this Saturday

March 29th, 2012

New Star Books invites you to the Western Front this Saturday afternoon, March 31, from 3 to 5 PM, for the New Star Firebombing Benefit.

Writers who have stepped up, and are confirmed for Saturday, include Charlie Demers, Clint Burnham, Daphne Marlatt, David Chariandy, Donato Mancini, Fred Wah, Jamie Reid, George Stanley, Jeff Derksen, Larissa Lai, Peter Culley, Roger Farr, and Steve Collis. Watch for a few late additions to the line-up.

Admission is by donation. Many thanks to Clint Burnham, the organizer; our hosts the Western Front for generously donating their fabled space; all the readers who have offered their time and presence; and to all of you who have sent your messages of support and offers of assistance. —Rolf Maurer