View the BC Bestseller List on Read Local BC
The BC Bestseller List is compiled using sales data from more than 80 independent bookstores in BC, which is provided to the Books BC by TBM BookManager. (more…)

The Association of Book Publishers of BC (Books BC) is a trade association, founded in 1974, whose aims are to foster an environment in which our members will flourish and to expand an awareness of the value of books in all our lives. We are a regional affiliate of the Association of Canadian Publishers.
For more information on our member-driven association go to Who We Are.
See all our members in our Member Directory
For more on what we do, see our 2023 Activities Report.
News & Events
Message from Books BC Board Chair Regarding U.S. Tariffs
March 6th, 2025
Dear Books BC Members,
As you are aware, the U.S. government is proceeding with implementing tariffs on some Canadian goods after the 30-day pause since the initial announcement by the Trump Administration. While the full impact on our industry remains uncertain, these tariffs, which took effect on March 4, 2025, will make it harder for BC books to reach American readers and could lead to significant cost increases for BC publishers, making it much harder for Canadian publishers to compete in the U.S. market.
BC’s book industry is more than just an economic sector—it is a cornerstone of our culture, a driver of tourism, and a key exporter of Canadian stories. In 2023–24 alone, BC publishers exported over $9 million in finished books to the U.S., accounting for nearly a quarter of all Canadian book exports. For many of our members, the U.S. isn’t just another market—it’s essential to the success of their business. The ripple effects of U.S. tariffs on publishers, printers, distributors, booksellers, and authors could be serious, affecting creative output and the long-term sustainability of our sector.
Though the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) through which these tariffs have been implemented expressly limits any information or informational materials, including publications from being subject to tariffs, it remains unclear whether this exemption will apply to all cross-border book shipments and how this exemption will be applied in practice.
The events of this past week demonstrate that, even if tariffs are momentarily suspended or certain goods are made exempt, the overall chaos, unpredictability and constantly moving goal posts will lead to a broader economic fallout—rising production costs, supply chain disruptions, and border slowdowns—all of which will still impact our industry.
At Books BC, we are committed to standing with our members through the uncertainty of this challenging situation. These past three months, Books BC has continued to update provincial funders and government on the evolving situation, and to advocate for BC Publishers. Our Books BC Brief on the Impact of Tariffs on BC Publishers outlines the possible impacts, as well as both industry-led and government-funded responses that would support BC publishers through this evolving situation.
We encourage BC publishers to reach out and let us know what you are experiencing or hearing in relation to U.S. tariffs—whether it’s feedback from booksellers, conversations with U.S. partners, or concerns about supply chain disruptions. The more we share information in a timely manner, the stronger our collective response can be.
This moment is a reminder of something we already know: we must support Canadian-owned publishing. The vast majority of books found in Canadian bookstores, libraries, and schools are published by foreign-owned companies. Even when the authors, illustrators, and translators are Canadian, the profits and jobs often go elsewhere. Now, more than ever, we need to champion BC-published books in our own communities and take meaningful steps to strengthen our Canadian-owned book publishing industry.
We can do this by:
–Encouraging readers, libraries, and schools to buy and stock more Canadian-published books.
–Advocating for strong, stable support from both provincial and federal governments.
–Finding new and innovative ways to connect with Canadian readers so we are less vulnerable to disruptions in international trade.
Despite the challenges ahead, one thing is clear: BC publishers are resilient, creative, and determined. We’ve faced economic downturns, a global pandemic, and shifts in the market before—and we will find a way forward again.
At Books BC we will continue to seek out ways to support our members and to work together—through joint marketing efforts, shared resources, and new approaches to selling and distributing our books—to build a stronger, more resilient publishing sector.
Don Gorman
Publisher, Rocky Mountain Books
President, Association of Book Publishers of BC (Books BC)
BC Book Publisher New Star Books Announces its Winding Down of Operations
January 17th, 2025
Books BC is saddened by the recent announcement of publisher Rolf Maurer, posted on January 13th, regarding Maurer’s decision to wind down New Star Books. New Star will continue to promote and distribute titles in print through their distributor, the New Star website, and Amazon. However, it will no longer be acquiring new books for publication.
In response to New Star’s announcement Books BC Board Chair, Don Gorman, commented:
New Star’s contributions to fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and the Transmontanus series have left an enduring mark. Each book—beautiful, thoughtful, and important—reflects the vision and dedication of the press and its publisher. Their work has been nothing short of essential, and this loss is profoundly felt by all who value independent and thought-provoking publishing in Canada. It stands as a sobering reminder of the critical need for sustained support—by the industry, consumers, and government—for arts and culture.”
“Attending poetry readings at The People’s Co-Op Bookstore on Commercial Drive, voluntarily run by Rolf Maurer was how I, and many of us in Vancouver got intimately connected to the local literary scene. Though the bookstore will remain open, the winding down of the press is a painful reminder of how these spaces can never be taken for granted. For Books BC, this is a moment for reflection and deepening resolve to support our members in the face of myriad challenges.”
For his part, Maurer ends his announcement by stating:
“I’m grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to engage in meaningful work, and to work with writers in bringing their books to readers. I’m grateful to have lived and worked in an era when the value of the work we do, as publishers, writers, and others involved in publishing, was valued, and supported by citizens through the taxes they pay. I am proud of the role, however small, that New Star, over the last 55 years, has played in creating a dialogue in this country about how we live. There will be time to celebrate the press’s history and contributions; this is not the moment for that.”
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