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Tradewind Books Honoured at Asian Canadian Writer’s Workshop Community Dinner

May 31st, 2010

(from ricepaper magazine, full article here)
Michael Katz and Carol Frank have published many children and youth books addressing cultural diversity. Titles include Abby’s Birds, The Jade Necklace, Bamboo, What Happened This Summer and Henry Chow. The Bone Collector’s Son, by Paul Yee, is the only children’s book to receive the Vancouver Book Prize.

Both have made significant contributions to the Asian Canadian literary community.

Past recipients of ACWW Community Awards are:
Roy Mah, Wayson Choy, Paul Yee, Harvey Lowe, Roy Miki, Fred Wah, The Bulletin (National Association of Japanese Canadians), Joy Kogawa, Scott McIntyre and Gim Wong.